6. Docupass

This category supports all rapid user verification based on the ids and the face images provided.

6.1. listDocupass

This function retrieves a list of all available Docupass based on the parameters provided.


public JObject listDocupass(int order = -1, int limit = 10, int offset = 0)

Here are the input and output parameters defined against this function.

Type (In/Out)NameDescription
System.integer - [In]orderSort results by newest(-1) or oldest(1). If the parameter is left out during execution, the function will use the -1 value. The value cannot be 1 or -1. The function will throw an exception of any one of these is used.
System.integer - [In]limitNumber of items to be returned per call. Function will use the -1 value if the parameter is left out during execution. The 'limit' should be a positive integer greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100.
System.integer - [In]offsetStart the list from a particular entry index.
JObject - [Out]N/AThe list of Docupass object result objects streamed into resp named parameter and returned.

6.2. createDocupass

This function creates a new Docupass link for rapid identity verification and/or e-signature.


public JObject createDocupass(object? profile = null, string contractFormat = "pdf", string contractGenerate = "",
        bool reusable = false, string contractPrefill = "", string contractSign = "", string customData = "",
        string language = "", int mode = 0, string referenceDocument = "", string referenceDocumentBack = "",
        string referenceFace = "", string userPhone = "", string verifyAddress = "", string verifyAge = "",
        string verifyDOB = "", string verifyDocumentNumber = "", string verifyName = "", string verifyPostcode = "")

Here are the input and output parameters defined against this function.

Type (In/Out)NameDescription
System.object - [In]profileCustom KYC Profile details. Function will use NULL value in case the parameter is left out during execution. Function will throw exception if NULL value is passed in this parameter.
System.string - [In]contractFormatAvailable contract formats are PDF, DOCX or HTML. Function will use PDF value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]contractGenerateGenerate up to 5 documents using information from uploaded ID, without user reviewing or signing the document. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.bool - [In]reusableWhether the generated link can be used to verify multiple person. Function will use false value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]contractPrefillJSON data in key-value pairs to autofill dynamic fields, data from user ID will be used first in case of a conflict. E.g. passing {"myparameter":"abc"} would fill %{myparameter} in contract template with "abc". Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]contractSignGenerate a document using information from uploaded ID, and have the user review and sign the document after identity verification. Required for mode=3. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]customDataCustom data to create Docupass. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]languageOverride auto language detection. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.integer - [In]modeDocupass modes which can be 0=Document+Face, 1=Document Only, 2=Face Only, 3=e-Signature Only. Function will use 0 value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]referenceDocumentBase64 encoded document image, if supplied, no document front image will be captured. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]referenceDocumentBackBase64 encoded document back image, if supplied, no document back image will be captured. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]referenceFaceBase64 encoded face image, if supplied, no face image will be captured. Required if mode=2. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]userPhoneSupply user phone number for verification, must enable phoneVerification in profile settings. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]verifyAddressVerification address. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]verifyAgeVerification age. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]verifyDOBVerification date of birth. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]verifyDocumentNumberVerification document number. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]verifyNameVerification name. Function will use BLANK value in case the parameter is left out during execution.
System.string - [In]verifyPostcodeVerification post code. Function will use BLANK value if the parameter is left out during execution.
JObject - [Out]N/AThe saved Docupass object streamed into resp named parameter and returned.

6.3. deleteDocupass

This function delete Docupass Link by reference code.


public JObject deleteDocupass(string reference = "")

Here are the input and output parameters defined against this function.

Type (In/Out)NameDescription
System.string - [In]referenceDocupass reference id that is to be deleted. The function will use NULL value in case the parameter is left out during execution. The function will throw exception if NULL value is passed in this parameter.
JObject - [Out]N/AThe deleted Docupass object streamed into resp named parameter and returned back.