Webhook URL can be configured under KYC profile, whenever an event occurs ID Analyzer will send POST requests to the defined URL containing important payload so that your application can react to the event accordingly.
All POST body sent to your webhook will be in JSON format, you may use tools such as webhook.site or ngrok to test the webhook content.
Each webhook payload will contain an event
Event | Description |
new | A new transaction has been created, through either scan, face, liveness verification API or through Docupass verification (ie. User uploads document or verify face in Docupass) |
delete | An existing transaction has been deleted |
update | A transaction has been updated with new decisions (accept, review, reject) |
docupass_conclusive | User either successfully completed Docupass verification or failed permanently due to excessive verification attempts.. You should evaluate thedecision and warning values to determine the final status of the verification. |
docupass_inconclusive | DEPRECATED - User has failed Docupass verification but still has more attempts left. This webhook has been deprecated and will no longer be sent from Docupass v3 onwards. |
docupass_expired | DEPRECATED - Docupass link has expired before completion. This webhook has been deprecated and will no longer be sent from Docupass v3 onwards, instead a docupass_conclusive event will be sent with decision reject and warning DOCUPASS_EXPIRED . |
Updated 10 months ago